Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I think toy shops can be the most magical places ever. Call me a kid if you want to, but just looking at the racks and racks of toys does something to my brain! It's worse if there are samples left around.. Today, I even got a kid who was holding one half of a ball tossing game to show me how it was played. He looked rather nonplussed! While my friend was looking around for something for her brother,I began trying out the scooter and the Xbox too. If the manager would let me, I'm sure I'd spend hours in there! I think the whole fascination is just with the connection to the part of my own brain which has been shut down/overwritten by other parts: the 'play circuit', if you will! As a kid, playing was quite an end in itself: I didn't feel like I should be doing something else while I spent time in my backyard digging for hours. As adults, we have to think about work and manage time. Now all I can do is watch kids play, and play with them when I feel I can fit it into my schedule!

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