Tuesday, February 5, 2013

++i or i++?

The stereotype of computer programmers in media is often that of 'nerds' who can't see beyond their own noses. After a couple of weeks' exposure to their job, I think the stereotype falls, as a lot of stereotypes do tend to fall, beside the wayside.

One thing programmers always want their code to be is 'clean'. In other words, it should be efficient, short and uncomplicated, and should do the job you want it to do, and nothing else! High quality programming is as creative a job as art. Anyone can copy a painting or picture: it requires knowledge of technique. Technique is easy to master, procedures are easy to master, too; the harder part is in being the person who says:"Wait a minute, let's try that!" or"But can't we do it this way?". Copying code from a book is easy; thinking up new ways of writing it based on your knowledge(and not just technical knowledge, but knowledge of the world, such as it is!), requires a special kind of mind! I think the top quality computer programmers, artists, musicians, designers and engineers all do pretty much the same thing!

Also, just today, I was looking at a bit of code that left me completely mystified. The author of the book it was in seemed engagingly excited about it and it clearly was something special, but its meaning left me completely in the dark. Frankly, I felt a bit like a kid wanting to get into a cool club. I do hope the mysteries of code unravel themselves more and more over the next six months!

PS. I just feel so pleased with myself. My previous post had a white background for some reason and I went into the HTML part of the editor and removed the colour. Let the initiation begin!

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