Sunday, March 14, 2010

Let's staart

This blog's been lying empty and wasted for a while now, so i thought i would start writing a little now. And what better time to do it than the day before my second sessionals start, right? All my creative outbursts seem to occur at precisely these times, anyhow. My sketchbook, for one thing, saw unusual activity during February and March last year. This can be just another reason to allow your mind to be diverted from the far more tiring business of laying down the foundations for a career. On the other hand, if that's what it takes to produce good art or music, should one really stop the flow of creativity to do such tiring work? I put it to you..

Anyway, my prinicipal objection to writing on this blog was just that the entire world could read it if they wanted, and I tend to not like people reading the things I write unless I'm sure that it's not nonsense! Now, though, I see that to read someone's blog takes a lot of effort anyway, and I wonder just how much effort I myself would take to read someone else's blog. Ha! Well, whether I'm writing for myself or for the entire world(99.999% of whch has not the slightest idea that i even exist), I'm just going to go on writing from now on!
Ta then..
Till next time..
WHAT's the English portion for tomorrow????

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