Friday, March 4, 2011


Indecision: the very worst enemy.
I wonder why there is so much of that in life.
It's like life is a whole series of choices, a whole set of roads you go down.

I can imagine it right now......wandering through a thick green forest over mountainous terrain. You wake up suddenly, and realise you are wandering down one of the paths; you have no idea why you're there or where you're going. Suddenly you begin to think and you have to choose how to go forward, one fork at a time.

You could stay where you are of course, but something inside instinctively pulls you toward a destination you feel you know.Each choice you make affects everything you do. Sometimes paths join together, forming a large path, but the way you reach the large one could be via a pleasant green leafy path or a narrow pebbly path overhung with thorny bushes and on the edge of a cliff. You may choose a path, go down it, reach a certain milestone and then sit there wondering whether you could have got there faster.You may suddenly reach a dead end, a beautiful waterfall that you spend ages looking at, but which offers no help to going onward. And there's nothing to do but retrace your steps.

You wander through, wondering how far you have left to go. Other travellers cross your path at times, diverting you now and then, some offering you guidance. Nothing they say is certain, though, even if it seems so for a time. Most of them seem as lost as you are. And if you take the wrong advice, there are paths which can make you slip, slide and fall...

But along the way you can choose to find help and purpose. There is a guide who could lead you, even in the darkest valley. And just maybe he'll have a resting place waiting for you at the end of the journey.....


  1. There is a guide, not who COULD lead you, but who WILL lead you, even in the direst of situations. Be it God, your conscience.. or a mixture of both: a deadly combo that none can defeat.. or even a person whom you never expected to be of any help in any sort. This will be your ticket to heaven, I feel. Your thoughts remind me of the song "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" by U2. It's highly unlikely that we will with so many distractions and diversions, as you mentioned. Life follows a two-button rule: either you choose to do it or you don't. You'd have to look out for so many many things! It's indeed a struggle, which in the end comes to an individual, no matter how many close friends you might have. It's one man for himself (or a woman, for that matter).

    You wait for that enchanted moment which will see you through; and finally everything- every little bit you've worked for, comes together for that one moment... your moment.
    Don't you think that the resting place for each of us is not when we settle in life, not when we have family and kids, not when we swim through the daily twisted kaleidoscope of life searching desperately for a shore... but only at the end of the journey of life itself? There's no "rest" until that day has arrived, if you think about it really!


  2. when i said resting place of course i meant the resting place after life-which i think is heaven! i don't think you could rest for long anywhere on Earth, there's always too much to do:)

    because ultimately, as you said, nothing ever truly satisfies anyone, not being 'settled' in life,it's always like we're heading somewhere else, we're looking for something more...that feeling doesn't come to us all the time of course: most of the time, we're happy enough, engrossed in the daily business of living. when it does, though,it's a reality check!
