Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the kitten(check previous post) is dead...
osama's dead...

first the kitten.
it was inevitable.
in spite of being pampered silly by everyone,
she decided to take a leap into the big bad world,
and returned after two days in a hopeless state
throwing up everything we give her
even a visit to the vet being fruitless
she lay in a carton, shivering, 'midst a pile of old clothes
became weaker, weaker and died...
the end.
it happens.

now osama.
what to say.
the whole world (non islamic world that is)
is so jubilant
that the face of terrorism
that the very reason
for the holy war(our holy war on terror that is)
is put to death.
it's justice, isn't it?
the king pin terrorist
by a group of righteous warriors seeking to bring an end to evil
and the face of evil.
right now though....
jihad and the 'war on terror'....
afghani jihadists and US Navy Seals...
whatever the start
right now
is there a penny to choose between them?


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG25MRnPy1o&feature=related

    You say Osama's dead. At least, that's what we have been told (Contrived?!, I do not know!). Anyway, if you check the video out through the above link, you'll see that the towers collapsed DOWNWARDS when the planes crashed into them. But, have you ever seen a building collapse directly downwards when something goes through it?! As you might be guessing now, many say that it was a synchronized act where in explosives were planted and made to explode exactly when the fiasco occurred. The plane was unmanned. Some even say there were no passengers aboard. Don't you find it a bit baffling that not even a single Jew was injured or killed in 9/11? Why am I saying this? - Israelis: Their 'Grey Matter' quantitatively equals India's population. The U.S government is literally controlled by them (Einstein was an Israeli too!). So is it possible that they preplanned this? Because I can't find any other explanation as to why there wasn't a single Jew injured in action (Or is it just coincidence?).

    This aside, if you think they had no purpose to pre-plan this, you're wrong. During the Bush government, resources were depleting and there was recession. Bad bad recession. So what's the best way to make fast money from an existing natural resource? : OIL. Why do you think the US invaded the middle east? Did they have a solid ground PRIOR to 9/11 to do so? No. They needed a cause. And that was 9/11. You may think they're heartless people. And yes, they are. They're self centered with a radius unimaginably large! Whom do you think US will support if there's a war between India and Pak? It's Pak, because India is fast developing and we might overthrow the US in the near future. If there's a war between India and China, though, US will aid us for obvious reasons! US also was denied a multi million dollar deal by India recently- a huge setback for the US(India had its reasons for not supporting it).

    So after this short brainstorming, do you STILL think Osama's dead or is it just the US trying to prove it's dominance or did they kill one of his possible clones?(remember Saddam?)

    All this is so perplexing! Sigh. Uncovering the truth is impossible! Well, we're all stuck in this masquerade... with people who have wronged, having no intentions of redeeming themselves... or repenting for their sins. Righteousness is long gone. This bitter battle for power and world dominance is going to destroy us. God help (and bless) us all!

  2. okay. conspiracy theorist are u...
    well, i think you're wrong for many reasons!

    1)Osama and the al- queda have taken responsibility for many terrorist attacks around the world. If, as you seem to be suggesting, that the American(or Israeli? which do you mean) Jews made up an Osama figure just to have an excuse to invade the Middle East, then that means they would have had to be responsible for those as well.
    2)I'm quite sure that no Jews would carry out such an assault on their own country, one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah is 'You shall not kill'.

    3)It's unarguable that the US Government jumped into the Middle East wars with their eyes fixed on the oil, but saying that 9/11 was fixed is crazy. No one would go to such far extents in order to get the US to attack another country. That's just anti-Semitism. The poor Jews get blamed for everything!(Not saying I approve of them especially though- I certainly don't support them in their fights with Palestine)

    Also, how can you say Jews control the US Government and then use Einstein as an example?

    Finally, it's NOT true that no Jews died in the attack....go check some other source.

  3. Einstein's example is just to state how awesomely brainy Israelis are. Israelis DO control the US govt. I had an idea you would put up an argument like this one. I too thought fixing 9/11 just for gaining economic power was crazy; but after reading from tons of sources I have come to believe that US government wouldn't hesitate to do such a thing. I'm not saying that all I said is true. I said it's a possibility which many people believe to be the truth.

    How can you say it's not true that no Jews died in the attack? After this theory showed up, people conducted many many surveys and the contrary was found to be true! anti-Semitism you say!

  4. Check this: http://www.america.gov/st/pubs-english/2007/November/20050114145729atlahtnevel0.1679041.html

    when you've got the names and info about each person you really can't say it's made up and the Government is just covering up, can you?:)

    and i think that instead of saying that the US government is guilty just because you read other people saying it's so, you should have some evidence to back up that theory....everyone, even governments, are innocent until proved guilty, right?

  5. Just like you said, anything can be made up- even that list. I don't what the truth is, but I definitely don't believe in the list nor do I think the US government is innocent. They can go any lengths to prove anything they want to.

    What I do know is that this argument comes to an end here :)

  6. one last shot: the 'they' you're talking about is just a number of humans who run the government. the government is not a different being in itself so if there are policies like that there would HAVE be some proof of it somewhere...in memos, top secret cables: wikileaks maybe?
    if you could find ANY hard proof, i'll change my mind:)

  7. Okay... You're just dragging me back into the fight :) Of course I was referring to the people who run it when I said 'Govt.' Do not be under the impression that there would HAVE been proof of it somewhere... heh because they are the American Govt and aren't so reckless to leave important evidence like that lying around on the internet. Wikileaks hardly touches upon this matter. Since I'm not an elite member of some spy group trained to dig out answers and find proofs relating to this, I may not be able to convince you RIGHT NOW. But I will, someday :)
    Plus the link you posted redirected me to a Govt website. You do know that they can alter it suitably and DOES NOT count for solid evidence, right?

    Just for your info, did you know that a group of Chinese hackers hacked into the Pentagon satellite and after retrieving data they erased it? It's not like the American Govt isn't threatened by other growing powers. So they'll always find a sly way to tackle it even if it means hurting a small portion of their own people.

    Oh yes, you will change your mind... one day.
