I just watched 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' because it was one of the top movies on IMDB's list.
Straight out, I have absolutely no idea why it was rated so highly.
To me, the entire movie didn't just have anti-female undertones....it was as plain as the cap on Nurse Ratched's head that the writer was completely and utterly sexist. The book was apparently written in the 1960s, partly in reaction to the second wave of feminism.
There was, for instance, glorification of the McMurphy character. He was a fun-loving character who sometimes took an interest in other people: he tried to bring Chief out of his shell for one thing ( the extreme was forcing Billy to sleep with his girlfriend -or hooker friend, whatever she was- Candy as some sort of sick reward), but there was absolutely nothing to impress one about him. An ex-con who was sent to prison for assault('Rocky Marciano's got more fights and he's a millionaire') and statutory rape('she was 15 going on 35') and gives his reasons for being sent to prison as 'because i fight and fuck too much' does not possess characteristics that should impress any sensible man or woman today. How can a character who lied and pretended to be mad just to escape the work farms be seen as an honourable male, in any sense?
This whole movie just reeked of the 'men will/should be men' flavour. And how can they be(for the uninitiated)? Fighting, boozing, gambling and having sex indiscriminately apparently. Hear that, guys?
I'm not saying I liked the Nurse Ratched character either. She showed plenty of malice as well. It's just that her portrayal is obviously meant to show that women shouldn't be in charge. How dare they even attempt to be, right? She should have been trying to make herself look sexy, giggling and hanging on to men like the Candy character- and the other one, I forget her name.
That midnight scene was just astoundingly dumb. How can asking your girlfriend to sleep with another guy('you know he's cute'), telling her 'I love you' and then slapping her butt go together in any sane guy's actions? Does she have no mind of her own or is she your property to be loaned out when required? Ohh that was enraging. I have a feeling McMurphy was actually mad. Why else did he go to sleep instead of calling Billy and Candy and scattering? Why did he have to stay in the ward at all? It didn't make sense how everyone just woke up the next day! I have a feeling that the writer just wanted a sad ending to show how terrible the ending for 'real men' is when there are women in power.
Those were two long hours of misogynism. There's a bitter aftertaste in my mouth, especially after I looked for reviews online and found this
scum of a review. I couldn't believe such a site existed till I saw it.