Tuesday, September 29, 2015

bits and pieces from here and there

one step forward
two steps back
excuse me sir
can we get back on track

there's no need to call him
he's one of those no-shows
coming to turn this talk
into a case of blows

shall we park this?
let's rake this down offline
i'm gonna drop off now
don't cut and waste my time

yeah, you know I hear you
i'm trying, my brains to rack
but from any perspective
you're just an arrogant crack

The REAL Piano

You know what? I found another reason heaven will be awesome. I'm assuming irrational numbers won't need to exist in heaven because we'll stop being finite and limited. IF that is so and mathematics exists in a whole different dimension in heaven, there will be a perfect piano there! Apparently, a piano can never be perfectly tuned. Feynman wrote something about this too! Because of frequencies and irrational numbers (the twelfth root of 2 can creep quite surreptitiously into this discussion) it's impossible to ever have the same ratios between all the notes. (Which makes you wonder why the piano was invented that way in the first place and why it's so popular. Fodder for a different post though, I guess.) Anyway, the upshot is that since piano tuners use an irrational number to tune a piano, the octaves are kept perfectly tuned but this tuning method flattens or sharpens the other intervals. It's fascinating! And it reminds me of  the image of the real Narnia in "The Last Battle". :)