Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Love that never fails

I was listening to the song 'Your love never fails' by Jesus Culture just now. And I was wondering about the lyrics. 'The sorrow lasts through the night but joy comes with the morning'. 'You make all things work together for my good'. And about 'You stay the same through the ages'. And I thought about how I've been struggling with the first two things: about how things of this world can make me forget God's love.

As a self-centred human, I often tend to define my 'good' as what I want from life. And I realise yet again what I so often forget, that anything I face doesn't mean that my eternal God's love has changed. Pain and sorrow have to be there so that life's joys can be realised and relished all the more. What's more, my life has been so sheltered that I don't realise what pain means. What I count as pain and what a tribal girl from a village in Bihar or Orissa counts as pain is definitely poles apart. Getting a good placement is nothing compared to starvation and the daily grind of earning enough in a day for food.
Perspective.That's all one needs from life, really.
And then the morning will come.

Monday, January 27, 2014


all lost
a touch
one touch
a touch unthinking
uncaring for the moment
and it’s gone
all you dreamt would be yours
all you longed for
with your whole being
so much so that when it’s gone
you’re gone
your whole being filled with fire
now unquenchable
and unreachable
builds up inside
to the point where every single tiny little cell in your body resonates
with the need to let it out
into tiny little pieces

scattered all over your world